E2E Card

Nasfund launches Employer to Employer Discount Program

24th July 2024

The National Superannuation Fund Ltd (Nasfund) is pleased to announce the launch of its latest initiative, the Employer-to-Employer Discount Program, aimed at benefiting all registered and contributing employers of the Fund. This program extends from the Nasfund Membership Discount Program and marks a significant step forward in industry innovation.

During the Fund’s inaugural CEO’s Business Breakfast in March, Chief Executive Officer Rajeev Sharma introduced the Employer-to-Employer Discount Program, emphasizing its importance in supporting over 2,000 employers across Papua New Guinea. Mr. Sharma highlighted the need for parity in benefits, recognizing that while current benefits are member-centric, employers contributing a mandatory 8.4% do not enjoy similar advantages.

Today, Mr. Sharma is proud to officially launch this program and acknowledges the support of exclusive partners. Mr. Sharma expressed gratitude to Pacific International Hospital (PIH), Badili Hardware Ltd, Brian Bell Group, Hardware Haus Ltd, Lamana Hotel, Airways Hotel, Theodist Ltd, and Digitec ICT Ltd for their commitment to supporting Nasfund’s employers.

As part of this program, Nasfund’s registered and contributing employers must acquire an Employer Identification (ID) card and a copy of their employer registration certificate from Nasfund. With these documents in hand, they can access substantial discounts when making purchases or conducting business transactions on behalf of their organization at our exclusive partner establishments.

Businesses who are interested to participate should email the Nasfund Marketing team at marketing@nasfund.com.pg for more information.

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