Leon Buskens - Director


PNG Santos Ltd


SP Brewery Limited; Gazelle International Hotel; Kopkop College; Santos Foundation.


Investment Promotions Authority.


Santos Limited. Trustee-Not for Profit National Football Stadium.


Nasfund; Nambawan Super Ltd

Leon joined the Board on the 1st of January 2018 and is a representative Director for the PNG Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He is a member of the Investment Committee and also the Audit and Risk Committee.

Leon has a wealth of experience in the superannuation industry spanning 22 years, including a period where he was Managing Director of Nambawan Super Limited (previously POSF) from 2002 – 2011.

He is currently Country Manager of Santos Limited in PNG. Prior to that, he was the Country Chairman since 2012. He sits on the Boards of SP Brewery, National Football Stadium, Santos Foundation, Gazelle International Hotel and Kopkop College, and is Chairman of Investment Promotion Authority of PNG.

Leon is a business graduate from the Papua New Guinea University of Technology and has a Masters of Business Administration from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

He is a professional Member of the PNG Institute of Directors (PNGID), Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and a Council member of the PNG Chamber of Resources and Energy.

Director Leon

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