Chey Schovell - Independent Director


PNG Power Limited; Port Moresby, Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry


PNG APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC)

Chey joined the Board, as a representative Director, on March 1, 2023, representing the Manufacturers Council, where he has held the position of CEO since 2007. He serves on the Nasfund Board’s Remuneration & Nomination and Investment Committees.

His career spans senior positions in business and government in Australia and PNG where he has played instrumental roles in trade, economic reform, employment, infrastructure, sports, standards and conformance and health policy development, as well as shaping and negotiating international trade agreements for the PNG government.

In 2011 he founded Sapience Entertainment promoting music and the contemporary arts, and in 2015 Sapience Ltd a PNG-based firm specializing in investment facilitation, economic empowerment, public policy and political advisory. He holds leadership roles such as Vice President of the Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Director of the PNG Chamber of Commerce. Chey also represents PNG on the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC).

A member of both the PNG Institute of Directors and the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Chey’s academic background includes a Bachelor of Asian Studies (Economics and Political Science) from Griffith University, Graduate Diplomas in Export Management and Public Finance, and Level 5 certification in public procurement. He is currently pursuing a Master of Law at Southern Cross University in Australia.

Chey Schovell

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