Florence Willie - Director


Employer’s Federation of Papua New Guinea


Konevilla No 1 Consultants Limited.

Deputy Chair:

National Apprenticeship and Trade Testing Board; National Training Council

Florence joined the Board on the 1st of January 2019 as the representative Director of the Employers Federation of Papua New Guinea (EFPNG).

She is the Chair of the Membership Committee and a member of the Audit and Risk Committee.

She is the Executive Director of the EFPNG and has served for 14 years in that capacity.

Florence is a lawyer by profession and started her career with the law firm Blake Dawson Waldron (now Ashurst Lawyers).

She is a member of the EU-ACP follow-up Committee, the National Skills Development Agency, the National Training Council, the National Apprenticeship and the Trade Testing Board and National Tripartite Consultative Council.

She has extensive experience in human resources management, industrial relations and labour and employment law.

Florence is highly regarded in the sector and is also involved in negotiations between industry and the unions.

Florence holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Papua New Guinea. She is a Member of the PNG Law Society, a Fellow of the PNG Human Resource Institute, A professional Member of the Papua New Guinea Institute of Directors and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


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