Julienne Leka-Maliaki - Director


Australian Government’s Economic Partnership Program

Independent Director:



PNG Air Ltd; Santos Limited


Logic Connect Ltd

Julienne was appointed as an Independent Director to the Board on the 10th of September 2020. She is the Chair of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee and a member of the Investment Committee.

She is currently Deputy Team Leader of an Australian Government infrastructure programme, the Incentive Fund. Her previous employment includes seven (7) years working for the Australian Government’s Economic Partnership Program at the Australian High Commission and eighteen (18) years working for PNG Investment Promotion Authority.

She has twenty-six (26) years of experience in development cooperation, public policy management, trade and investment facilitation, rural and agriculture development, corporate governance and private sector development.

Julienne also has an active role in civil society and sports governance and was the past President and Chair of the PNG Netball Board and was a Commissioner of PNG Sports Foundation.

Julienne holds a Bachelor in Business Management, majoring in Strategic Management and Public Policy Management from the University of PNG. She is a member of the PNG Institute of Directors and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


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