Michael Murphy - Director


Mike Murphy Actuarial


Telstra Corporation Limited (AUS); AMP Limited (AUS); AON PLC (US/UK).


MAICD – Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Member of the Actuaries Institute Superannuation Practice Committee.

Michael was appointed to the Board on the 11th of July 2019 as an Independent Director. He is the Chair of the Investment Committee and a member of the Membership Committee.

He currently runs his own superannuation and actuarial consulting firm.

Michael is a qualified Actuary, with over 40 years of superannuation and consulting experience with Aon (most recently as an Asia/Pacific Partner), Mercer and AMP.

He also has over 15 years of experience on superannuation trustee boards in both Australia and PNG.

Michael was a Trustee director of the Aon Master Trust in Australia for 14 years from 2003 to 2017.

He was also a Trustee director of the Aon Master Trust (PNG) from 2007 to 2018.


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