Turaho Morea - General Manager Marketing Communications & Research

Turaho joined the Fund in 2004 and was instrumental in establishing the Marketing & Client Relations Division.

The division’s functions grew from driving marketing strategies and advertising projects to developing successful membership growth initiatives.

Turaho was later appointed General Manager – Corporate Services, overseeing operations and the Fund’s branch network. He was part of the management team for nine years before resigning in 2013 to start his own media company. Turaho is a journalist by profession and was also a television news anchor for 11 years.

Turaho was re-employed by Nasfund on 11 February 2019, for his vast experience in the superannuation industry to drive strategic objectives to implement the Fund’s five-year Corporate Strategy.


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Call: 1588 | Digicel: 7373 3000 | Vodafone: 7676 6000
Email: help@nasfund.com.pg or marketing@nasfund.com.pg