Our vision

"Our members trusted superannuation fund providing quality services and financial security."

Our mission

"We will provide world-class member services using innovative systems and technologies. We will also grow member retirement savings using a balanced fund portfolio to achieve a return above CPI over a rolling 5-year period."

Our values

At the core of our mission is a commitment to connect with our community, fostering relationships built on trust and mutual respect. We take pride in being responsible stewards of our values, driving growth to inspire all stakeholders.



We are connected with our members

  • Member service is our priority 
  • We create positive member experiences 
  • We serve with fairness and diligence 
  • We treat everyone with respect


We are open transparent and communicative

  • We are transparent in our actions and behaviours
  • We deliver with high ethical standards
  • We value integrity, honesty and transparency
  • We foster a climate of trust and support


We act within the standards and laws for the benefit of our members

  • We provide our people with the necessary resources to best serve our members
  • We exercise utmost care in making business decisions for our members' benefit and aligned to stakeholder expectations
  • We strive to support the communities we serve
  • We are accountable for the decisions we make


We strive to maximize returns for our members

  • We encourage innovative and creative environments to generate business ideas and solutions
  • We drive performance-based culture to consistently deliver the best for our members
  • We are future focused and agile in adapting to changing technology
  • We set targets and exceed expectations


We empower our people as capable professionals

  • We seek and provide opportunities to grow and develop our people for long-term talent succession
  • We accept genuine feedback and challenge ourselves to be better
  • We are passionate about Nasfund's vision and what we do for our members
  • We celebrate and reward success

what we do at nasfund

Nasfund helps to sustain its members when they are no longer working and ensure that they retire with more.

Nasfund provides financial protection to its members and beneficiaries at retirement or when normal income flows are suddenly cut off.

In order to provide members a comfortable retirement after active employment, Nasfund invests its members’ funds across a variety of asset classes and aims to credit positive returns of a minimum CPI over a rolling 5 year period. 

Nasfund also strives to provide an efficient and effective superannuation service and has a number of innovative benefits and products available for members.

Our history

Compulsory superannuation contributions in PNG were introduced in 1982. The National Superannuation Fund (NASFUND) of Papua New Guinea (PNG) was established in May 2002, as the successor entity to the National Provident Fund (NPF).

  • Gross Assets of K850 million 
  • Net profit of K69.4 million 
  • Interest of 10% paid to members accounts
  • Gross Assets of K1.779 billion
  • Net profit of K205.6 million
  • Interest of 15% paid to members accounts
  • Gross Assets of K2.3 billion 
  • Interest of 2% paid to members accounts
  • Gross Assets of K5.32 billion
  • Net Assets of K5.24 billion 
  • Net profit of K312 million 
  • Interest of 6.3% paid to members accounts 
  • Gross Assets now K6.35 billion
  • Net Assets of K6.30 billion 
  • Net profit of K256 million 
  • Interest of 4.3% paid to members accounts 
  • Gross Assets now K7.13 billion
  • Net Assets of K7.07 billion 
  • Net profit of K597 million 
  • Interest of 9% paid to members accounts 

Get in touch

Do you have a question for us?

Please contact us on:
Call: 1588 | Digicel: 7373 3000 | Vodafone: 7676 6000
Email: help@nasfund.com.pg or marketing@nasfund.com.pg