Balance by SMS

How to use Text Balance

Nasfund members using either the Digicel or Telikom network can easily check their account balance via a quick text message. Simply dial *627*, followed by your membership number and date of birth (in DDMMYYYY format), and press send. For example, to check the balance for membership number 456789 with a birthdate of August 1, 1976, you would text *627*456789*01081976#.


Use format below:


Example: *627*456789*01081976# SEND

(Date of birth must be in format DDMMYYYY)

You will need to register your phone number with Nasfund, click HERE to download the form.

Get in touch

Do you have a question for us?

Please contact us on:
Call: 1588 | Digicel: 7373 3000 | Vodafone: 7676 6000
Email: or