Why Nasfund

Nasfund protects you when you are not working and helps you to retire with more.

Nasfund provides financial sustainability to its members and beneficiaries at retirement, during unemployment period or when normal income flows are suddenly cut off.

About Nasfund

PNG’s first Approved Superannuation Fund

National Superannuation Fund Ltd or Nasfund is an accumulation fund and was the first Approved Superannuation Fund to be licensed by the Central Bank under the Superannuation (General Provisions) Act 2000 in 2002. Nasfund is the successor entity of the National Provident Fund and was incorporated as a company under the Companies Act in May 2002.

Membership is open to nationals and non-citizens who are earning an income and wish to save towards their retirement. Nasfund’s primary purpose is to provide its members (or their beneficiaries) financial sustainability during retirement, unemployment, death, disability to work or when the normal flow of income is suddenly cut off.

About Nasfund

An inclusive superannuation fund

Nasfund is an inclusive superannuation fund for Papua New Guineans and non-citizens in formal and informal sector and is dedicated to providing superannuation benefits and financial security to our members. Our membership base covers various industries, institutions, public service, agriculture, small to medium entities and individuals. 

Nasfund focuses on prudent investment management, excellent customer service, and strong governance practices to ensure the growth and protection of its members' savings. The fund operates with a vision to be the leading superannuation fund, guided by its mission and core values of connect, trust, responsible, growth and inspire.

Get in touch

Do you have a question for us?

Please contact us on:
Call: 1588 | Digicel: 7373 3000 | Vodafone: 7676 6000
Email: help@nasfund.com.pg or marketing@nasfund.com.pg