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Celebrating Excellence in Superannuation
Super is an automatic savings plan with benefits. Investing in super is one of best ways you can ensure financial prosperity for your future.
To grow your Nasfund superannuation, actively contribute regularly, whether through employer contributions or voluntary top-ups, to boost your retirement savings.
To minimize tax on your Nasfund superannuation payout, keep your savings invested for at least 15 years. This reduces your exit tax to 2%, compared to higher rates for earlier withdrawals, while also maximizing your savings through compound growth.
National Superannuation Fund Ltd or Nasfund is an accumulation fund and was the first Approved Superannuation Fund to be licensed by the Central Bank under the Superannuation (General Provisions) Act 2000 in 2002.
Eda Supa is for anyone who is earning some form of income and wants to save in a superannuation environment, farmers, sole traders and small business owners.
Nasfund's investee companies are carefully selected to align with the fund's strategy of delivering consistent returns, ensuring sustainable growth, and maximizing value for its members.
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Discounts for Nasfund Contributing Employers
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The interim rate is the crediting rate the fund uses for withdrawals
A benefit that is offered to members while they still contribute to the Fund
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Superannuation is a long-term savings plan designed to provide financial security in retirement, where both employees and employers contribute to a managed fund. The accumulated savings grow over time and are accessed upon retirement.
Nasfund is one of Papua New Guinea's leading superannuation funds, providing retirement savings and financial security for its members. It manages contributions from employees and employers, investing them to ensure long-term growth.
Achieve the retirement lifestyle you want down the road with super.
No. At this stage an individual is not allowed to open Eda Supa accounts in Trust for children.
defining an employer
Any organisation, company, or entity in Papua New Guinea that registers and contributes superannuation funds on behalf of its employees as part of their retirement savings plan. Employers play a critical role in facilitating the regular remittance of employee contributions to Nasfund, ensuring compliance with the Superannuation Act of 2000. These contributions are essential for providing financial security to employees upon retirement, and Nasfund partners with employers to manage and grow these funds through strategic investments.
defining an employee
Employee means a person who is a resident in PNG and:
The contributions of an employee shall be deducted directly from the employee’s pay by the employer at the time of payment and paid to nasfund within 14 days of the date of deduction. Pay means remuneration of any kind including;
remitting contributions
Employers are required to remit their employees' superannuation contributions to Nasfund within 14 days after the end of each month. This ensures that the contributions are promptly credited to the employees' retirement accounts, allowing for timely investment and growth. Late payments can incur penalties, emphasizing the importance of adhering to this deadline to maintain compliance with the Superannuation Act and protect the financial interests of employees.
Following matters relating to contributions must be noted;
A failure to perform the above duties amounts to an offense for which the employer may be prosecuted. If the company is found guilty and convicted of the offense, the following penalties will be imposed;
Failure to pay Employer Contribution;
Failure to Remit Contributions deducted;Penalty;
Note: where the offense continues after conviction, a default penalty fine of K5,000.00 a day will be imposed until the fine is paid
Every employer employing 15 or more employees has the duty to;
Pursuant to Sections 5 and 6 of the Superannuation Regulation 2002 the contributions will progressively increase over the years and settle at 8.4% for employers and 6% for employees in the following manner;
Get in touch
Please contact us on: Call: 1588 | Digicel: 7373 3000 | Vodafone: 7676 6000 Email: help@nasfund.com.pg or marketing@nasfund.com.pg